
We would be happy to receive any feedback on the website, so if you have any comments, queries, compliments or complaints, please email them to the webmaster.
[View of the village]
The village of Halse is situated to the West of the Quantocks and is made up of around 100 properties, mostly old, with a smattering of new. Its character being acknowledged by being designated a Conservation Area and there being many Listed Buildings.

Despite its relatively small size, there are many qualities and activities that maintain a healthy community spirit, which is demonstrated by most Estate Agents' details including the phase, 'a much sought-after village' in their particulars - it therefore must be true!

This website will hopefully provide useful information for both residents and visitors alike. There is also a village newsletter available. If you would like to sign up to receive this letter, please send an email to the Halse News.

Forthcoming Events

Carols and Halse by Candellight

Meet 18:30 at the Church. End with mulled wine and mince pies at the New Inn.

The New Inn

Wed-Sat: Halse Cafe 1030-1500. [every week]

Use the Village Pub link for contact details.

Coffee Morning

13 Jan: with Carol at Pantiles

Village Hall

8 Jan: Soup and Pud lunch 12:30

13 Jan: AGM 19:30

14 Jan: Village Quiz 19:00

12 Feb: Soup and Pud lunch 12:30

Use the Village Hall link for booking details.

Garden Club

11 Sep: Coffee Morning 1000-1200. at The Old Ground